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(Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi for the duration- 01/07/2022 to 30/06/2025)

Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing

Dress Designing & Garment Manufacturing department was established in year 2007. It is three year diploma course. It started functioning under Autonomous Polytechnic when the Institute was awarded Academic Autonomy. This course content the knowledge of textile, illustration, computer , apparel construction ,value addition & management.

Intake : 30
Head of Department :00
No.Of Faculty : 06
Department Support Staff : 04
AICTE Approval No : F.No. Western/1-38688322853/2023/EOA Date: 15-May-2023.

Sr.no. Name of the Programme Approved by Established Annual Intake Shift
1 Dress Designing & Garment Manufacturing AICTE, New Delhi AICTE Approval No : 740-89-030(E)/RC/95 Date: 28th June 2007 Year 2007 30 General Shift


"Develop self-reliant, versatile, innovative, quality conscious designers for betterment of garment industry & society."


1) Develop curricula in interaction with garment industry for better learning outcome.
2) Update staff knowledge & skills through training.
3) Provide modern lab facilities & infrastructure.
4) Enhance overall personality & lifelong learning of graduates.

Program Outcomes (POs):

  1. Basic and Discipline specific Knowledge- Apply fundamentals knowledge of textile, illustration, drafting, cutting, stitching and surface techniques for specialized garments.

  2. Problem analysis- Identify and analyze well defined designing and marketing problems using standard methods.

  3. Design/development of solution-Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design process to meet specified needs.

  4. Garment Manufacturing Tools, Experimentation and testing- Apply modern Garment manufacturing tools and appropriate techniques to conduct standard tests and measurements.

  5. Engineering Practices for society, sustainability and environment- Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.

  6. Project management- Use apparel management principles individually, as a team member or leader to manage project and effectively communicate well- defined Industrial activities.

  7. Lifelong Learning- Ability to analyze individual needs and engaged in updating the context of technological changes.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

  • PSO 1:To design, manufacture, quality apparel as per industry standards.
  • PSO 2:To customize merchandise for enhancing societal standards of living.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO):

  • 1:Develop entrepreneurship qualities with ethics and soft skills.
  • 2:Provide Platform of lifelong learning to succeed in industry.
  • 3:Apply Principles of garment designing, garment manufacturing and retail marketing to solve the real world problems.
  • 4:Pursue careers in the area of garment industry.

HOD'S Desk

	Dr.Yashwant V. Chavan

Dr.Yashwant V. Chavan

Head of Department

Government Polytechnic, Pune is a recognised Government Autonomous Institute and only Polytechnic in Pune city, offering3 years Diploma Course in Dress Designing and Garment Manufacturing. Autonomy offers an opportunity for us to revisit and revise our course under guidance of distinguished industry leaders and Academia from the fashion world. These course discussions are conducted twice a year to ensure the course stays up to date with latest Dress Designing and manufacturing practices. The institution offers best infrastructure in terms of lab, software and library facilities. The department is well staffed by six lecturers to offer right education and support to our students. The department with the help of institution's training and placement cell offers opportunities through industry tie ups for career opportunities also advises students on career progression. The department facilitates internships, external trainings, and co-curricular activities to develop required skills and capabilities for our students. We are committed to provide quality education in Garment Technology in line with the vision of Government of Maharashtra.