Electrical Engineering

The Electrical Engineering Department was established in 1957. It offers three years' duration post SSC Full time and Part-time Diplomas in Electrical Engineering approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.

From 1957 to 1994, the programmes offered by the department were affiliated to Board of Technical Examination (BTE), Mumbai now known as Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) Mumbai. In 1994, the institute was awarded academic autonomy. Hence, from 1994 onwards the Diplomas are awarded by the institute itself.

Well qualified and experienced faculty members and supporting staff, well equipped laboratories, excellent academic results, strong connection with the industries and the alumni are the strengths of the department.

Electrical Engineering Department runs in two shifts (Morning and Afternoon)

Information of Diploma & Intake indicated below for the Academic Year 2020-21

Sr.no. Name of the Programme Approved by Affiliating Body (University /Body) Commencement year Annual Intake Shift/ Division Eligibility
1 Diploma in Electrical Engineering AICTE, New Delhi F.No. Western/ 1- 7014677098 /2020/EOA Date: 14-Jun-2020 Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai 1957 60 I SSC
2 2014 60 II SSC
3 1966 60 Part-Time SSC and Two Years' Industrial Experience


To develop competent, socially responsible, energy cautious, industry ready Electrical Engineers.


1) Updating Electrical Engineering curriculum in tune with the industry and Society.
2) Modernizing laboratories for employable skill development.
3) Preparing students to work in diverse condition.
4) Inculcating Energy conservation habits in society.
5) Adapting the latest techniques in engineering for enhancing quality of education through training of staff and students.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO1: Provide socially responsible, environment friendly solutions to electrical engineering problems adapting professional ethics.
  • PEO2: Adapt state - of - the art engineering broad-based technologies to work in multidisciplinary working environment.
  • PEO3: Fine tune knowledge and skills with advanced trends through lifelong learning.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the Electrical Engineering problems.

  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined Electrical Engineering problems using codified standard methods.

  • PO3: Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs in Electrical Engineering.

  • PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

  • PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.

  • PO6: Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.

  • PO7: Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes in Electrical Engineering.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • PSO1: Work for testing, installation, operation and maintenance of various electrical equipment.
  • PSO2: The student of electrical engineering will work in automation and power system to solve practical problems in the field of electrical engineering and cope up with changing technology.
  • PSO3: The student of electrical engineering will design, estimate and execute electrical installation and will work as an entrepreneur and/or exhibit project management skills working in a team.
  • PSO4: The student of electrical engineering will follow practices regarding electrical safety and energy conservation in context with society & environment.

Electrical Engineering Department Notes And Documents

NEWS LETTER -2019-20


NEWS LETTER -2023-24

HOD'S Desk

 Dr Sanjay Vasant Bhangale

Dr Sanjay Vasant Bhangale
Head Of Department

Mr. Rajesh Uttam Shelke

Mr. Rajesh Uttam Shelke
Head Of Department

It gives me immense pleasure in welcoming, on behalf of the Electrical Engineering Department of Government Polytechnic, Pune.

IElectrical Engineering is an exciting and dynamic field that deals with the technology of electricity, especially the design and applications of circuitry and equipment for Power Generation and Distribution, Machine Design, industrial Automation.Electrical Engineer enjoys a high demand service status in Modern Manufacturing, Generation, Transmission, Distribution & Industrial Processes.

The department moves with a vision to strive for overall development of our students, making them competitive & conscious engineers, so as to become ready to accept challenges in industry & to serve for the betterment of the society.Department is committed to develop diploma holders who will be able to communicate effectively, adopt lifelong learning, act with integrity and have interpersonal skills with commitment to their ethical and social responsibilities.

The department provides a conductive environment for the students to develop analytical and practical skills and apply them to real world problems. Students are also encouraged to undergo supervised practical training in different industries so as to get hands on experience and become employable.

The department has a dedicated & highly qualified faculty members supported by skilled non-teaching staff.One faculty member is doctorate in Electrical Engineering & six faculty members are masters in Engineering. Well qualified and having faculty members with average experience of about more than 25 yrs and supporting staff, well equipped laboratories, excellent academic results, strong connection with the industries and the alumni are the strengths of the department.

The department is always enthusiastic in conducting various seminars and workshops for the faculty and students to permeate advances in technology. All the students get full opportunity to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities leading to a holistic personality development.

It is pride to quote here that our students have built their carriers & holding the prominent positions in the industry.

Thanks to the efforts of our faculty members, alumni, and students for their continuous support. We will play a leading role in our discipline and are committed towards creating innovative and effective professional diploma holder's community which would vivacious and provide continuous learning.