1. Training for Second year students
  2. The department conducts summer training programme for second year students every year.

  3. Step by step approach towards achieving bigger Project Outcome:
    1. Department has been implementing the concept of micro- projects in more than 80% courses since academic year 2019-20. Micro-projects are scaled down version of real problem statement in order to satisfy two or more course outcomes. Thus, students undertake at least 3 to 4 micro-projects in every term.
    2. Introduction of Major Project i.e. Micro-project with slightly scaled-up problem statement satisfying COs from two or more courses combine in 180OB curriculum as part of two courses. Thus, students are given exposure to at least one scaled-up Micro-project each year. This makes them ready for various inputs for undergoing final major capstone project.
  4. Industrial visits
  5. The department engages industrial visits to acquaint the students with practical and basic engineering knowledge every year.

  6. Project exhibition
  7. The department makes exhibition of the best major and micro projects done by the third year students to motivate and enhance the culture of engineering and science to first and second year students.

  8. Expert Lectures:
  9. Minimum two expert lectures per term are arranged based on the path study of students for personality development and to bridge new technology and curriculum gaps. Two major objectives are, for students able to :

    1. Gain insights into the prevailing and upcoming technologies in industries.
    2. Inculcate soft skills and develop personality

  10. Digital India Programme
  11. As per the directives of Maharashtra state of technical education, the department organized digital India programme and conducted quiz & essay competition, elocution competition and arranged an expert lecture on effective use of digital technology to grow smart working culture.

  12. Informal Student Association (EESA):
  13. In-order to enhance the personality skills like planning, organisation, conduction, management, creativity as well as technical skills of students, Department of EE formed student association wherein a committee of students is constituted each year and various Technical/Non-technical events are organized at Departmental/State level. This stimulates their creativity, boost leadership qualities and skills and put-forth the importance of team-work. This practice has been adopted by Department since long time.

  14. Celebration of Sadbhavna Divas
  15. As per the directives of AICTE, the department conducted Sadbhavna Divas and gave an oath to all the staff andstudents of the department to follow and practice the principles secularity, equality and fraternity.

  16. Sports and cultural programmes:
  17. The department takes sports and cultural programme to provide an exposure and boost the hidden talents of the students.

  18. Personality development programme:
  19. Personality development is the need of the hour. So the department takes a programme of personality development every year.

  20. Engineering day celebration
  21. The department celebrates Engineer’s Day on 15th September every year and organizes several academic activities such as poster presentation, paper presentation etc.

  22. Swachha Bharat Abhiyan
  23. As per the directives of Hon. Prime Minister of India, department conducted the Swachha Bharat Abhiyan to make awareness of cleanliness among the students in family, in society and nation.