
Departmental Achievement Name of the Activity Year
Department of Information Technology,Government Polytechnic,Pune has been received AICTE MODROB sanction of grant approximately Rs 18 lakhs to develop Computer Networking LAB 2024-25
The Department of Information Technology, Government Polytechnic, Pune is Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi for the duration- 01/07/2022 to 30/06/2025. 2022-23
A team of Four students from the department participated and bagged first prize worth Rs. 10,000/- , Trophy and Certificates in DIPEX-2023 Project Competition organized by MSBTE. One faculty Ms. S.P.Dudhe worked as project Mentor. 2022-23

Co Curricular :

Student Achievement Academic Year (2024-25) Name of Student Name of Event Achievement Date
Payal Mandlik TYIT student got second prize ( Certificate and cash prize Rs. 3000) in National Leve Web Page Designing Second Prize ( Certificate and cash prize Rs. 3000) in National Level Technical Event 18-02-2025
Aryan Pande FYIT student got second prize ( Certificate and cash prize Rs. 2000)in National Level Te Paper Presentation Second Prize 24-02-2025

Student Achievement Academic Year (2022-23) Name of Student Name of Event Achievement Date
Prajwal Prabhakar Temak DIPEX-2023 Project Competition organized by MSBTE at Sipna College of Engineering, Amravati Project Name: CREO: AI based Personal Assistant System Winner Prize worth Rs.10,000/- 07-04-2023
Yash Ravindra Baviskar DIPEX-2023 Project Competition organized by MSBTE at Sipna College of Engineering, Amravati Project Name: CREO: AI based Personal Assistant System Winner Prize worth Rs.10,000/- 07-04-2023
Dipak Gulab Dhumma DIPEX-2023 Project Competition organized by MSBTE at Sipna College of Engineering, Amravati Project Name: CREO: AI based Personal Assistant System Winner Prize worth Rs.10,000/- 07-04-2023
Ritesh Rajaram Ghadge DIPEX-2023 Project Competition organized by MSBTE at Sipna College of Engineering, Amravati Project Name: CREO: AI based Personal Assistant System Winner Prize worth Rs.10,000/- 07-04-2023

Extra-Curricular :

Student Achievement Academic Year (2024-25) Name of Student Name of Event Achievement Date
Shruti Joshi from TYIT got Special Winner Prize (Trophy & Certificate) in National Level Art Competi National Level Art Competition Special Winner Prize (Trophy & Certificate) 11-02-2025
Shruti Joshi & Harshada Jayatpal from TYIT got 2nd prize in Poster competition held at Ajeenkya DY P Poster Competition Second Prize 04-03-2025

Student Achievement Academic Year (2022-23) Name of Student Name of Event Achievement Date
Akanksha Abasaheb Gathe IEDSSA Women’s W4 Zonal Sports Meet Event: Kabbadi Runner Up 09-11-2022
Sejal Amar Dengale IEDSSA Women’s W4 Zonal Sports Meet Event: Badminton Winner 08-11-2022
Prapti Prasad Gandhi IEDSSA Women’s W4 Zonal Sports Meet Event: Badminton Winner 08-11-2022
Shivam Sharad Gaike IEDSSA Men’s D2 Zonal Sports Meet Event: Cricket Winner 21-11-2022
Shivam Sharad Gaike IEDSSA Men’s D2 Zonal Sports Meet Event: Table-Tennis Runner Up 06-11-2022

Faculty Achievements Name of the Faculty Activity/Achievement Date
Mrs. M. U. Kokate Nominated as member of Board of studies on MIT World Peace University a state private University for 6 years integrated B.Tech (Diploma + Degree) course. Committee is supposed to provide consultancy. 08-01-2019
Mrs. M. U. Kokate Nominated as Co-ordinator for development of curriculum under CO group for development of ‘I’ scheme curriculum implemented for Diploma programmes affiliated under MSBTE throughout the state. 04-01-2016
Smt. K.S.Gaikwad Completed the NPTEL course titled “Cloud Computing” with 76 score and Elite+Silver certificate. 03-12-2019
Smt. K.S.Gaikwad Awarded Masters Degree with Distinction in Computer Science and Engineering by Baba Saheb Ambedkar Aurangabad University in April 2017. 21-04-2017
Smt. H.F.Khan Awarded Masters Degree with Distinction in Computer Engineering by Savitri Bai Phule Pune University in December 2017. 12-12-2017
Smt. H.F.Khan Completed the NPTEL course titled “Cloud Computing” with 88 score and Elite+Silver certificate. 03-12-2019
Smt. Pranali N. Yewale Awarded Masters Degree with Distinction in Information Technology by Savitri Bai Phule Pune University in November 2015. 25-11-2015
Smt. A.D. Kshirsagar Completed the NPTEL course titled “Cloud Computing” with 87 score and Elite+Silver certificate. 03-12-2019
Smt. A.D. Kshirsagar Awarded Masters Degree with Distinction in Computer Engineering by Savitri Bai Phule Pune University in November 2017. 09-11-2017
Smt. N.P.Sarwade Awarded Masters Degree with Distinction in Computer Science and Engineering by Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Marathwada University in November 2014. 03-11-2014
Smt. N.P.Sarwade Completed the NPTEL course titled “Cloud Computing” with 78 score and Elite+Silver certificate. 03-12-2019
Smt. Anjali B. Bhusagare Awarded Masters Degree with Distinction in Information Technology by Savitri Bai Phule Pune University in November 2015. 25-11-2015
Smt. Anjali B. Bhusagare Completed the NPTEL course titled “Cloud Computing” with 75 score and Elite+Silver certificate. 03-12-2019
Smt. A.B.Bhusagare Completed Task Based Training Of "E-Yantra" Organized By IIT,Bombay (2.5 Months) 10-09-2020
Smt. Shubhangi P. Dudhe Completed Two Weeks Online Industrial Training Robotics Process Automation 23-08-2021