Science and Humanities Department

Science & Humanities Department conducts teaching –learning process in different subjects like Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Advanced Physics, Advanced Mathematics, Textile Chemistry, Communication Skills, as a part of curriculum of Government Polytechnic ,Pune to first year students of diploma engineering

The department has well equipped laboratories in the following Courses:

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Language Laboratory

Silent features:

  • Well-equipped laboratories.
  • Highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated faculty members.
  • Innovative teaching – learning process with continuous assessment of student’s performance.

Departmental Staff:

  • Number Head of Department/Co-ordinator:01
  • Number of Selection grade Lecturer:01
  • Number of Senior grade Lecturer:01
  • Number of Lecturer:13
  • Number of non-teaching staff : 02

HOD'S Desk

Mr. Rewadkar

Shri. Vitthal B. Shinde
M.Sc (Mathematics)

Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and English are the foundation stones for Diploma Engineering.

Basic sciences have their own importance in the broad spectra of the engineering education system. Knowledge of science helps the engineer understand the constraints inherent in a problem and helps the engineer develop possible approaches for a solution. Physics is the major driving force behind the development of new technology and in turn new technologies allow engineers to push forwards the boundaries of knowledge. As well as studying Physics students will gain technical skills that are highly relevant to work that are going on in local industries. Chemistry plays an important and useful role towards the development and growth of industries like Glass, Cement, Paper, Textile, Leather, Dye, Petroleum, Sugar, Plastic, Paints. Material Science has wide applications in all branches of Engineering and Technologies.

Mathematics plays a fundamental role in engineering analysis and design.Mathematics helps Engineers achieve pure precision. Math's develops ability to think. It combines mathematical theory, practical engineering and scientific computing to address today's technological challenges.

English is one of the widely spoken languages around the world. For an Engineer and an Engineering student, English language fluency is important both in studies and career. Also many modules in Engineering require writing academic reports. Hence, a good fluency and grasp of English language is necessary.